Director: Ridley Scott
Notable Cast: Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, Guy Pearce
After a distasteful decline in quality for the "Alien" franchise over the last handful of films (this is looking at you "AvP" and "AvP:R"!), when Ridley Scott finally announced his long awaited prequel there was much rejoicing. The man who defined good science fiction in the late 70s and early 80s would return to salvage the series he helped create from straight to video hell. The result is "Prometheus", a film that distinctly carves its own science fiction path while still maintaining many of the elements and themes that made the original "Alien" an instant classic and one that has lasted in quality to this day.
When two scientists Shaw (Rapace) and Holloway (Marshall-Green) discover a link between ancient civilizations that points to our creation from other worldly beings on a distant galaxy, the Weyland Corporation sends out a massive research ship Prometheus to investigate. What they find on the planet though, is nothing what they thought it was and they are not left with answers to questions...but fear for the future.
"I feel like there is something behind us watching!" |
Without giving away too many spoilers about the details of "Prometheus", I'm going to try to convince you just how awesome this movie is. I know, I know that there have been lots of mixed feelings about Scott revisiting the franchise and what he has done with it. Just like any film I always recommend that you see it for yourself before giving it final judgement. For those who faithfully read though, trust me when I say that "Prometheus" ably gives us the same dreadful atmosphere and thought provoking themes while never coming off as a "Alien" knock off.
"I always wanted a holographic ball to play with!" |
This atmosphere that's concocted for "Prometheus" is done with the expert eye for detail by Scott and the amazing acting from its cast. Noomi Rapace amazes in the lead role while Fassbender and Theron give uniquely detailed and subtle work of their own. With such strong leads and an amazing secondary (seriously, Elba is right up there with the main names of this film), "Prometheus" has all the elements to really work well. These executions are partnered with stunning design elements that both replicate many of the sets and styles crafted in the first two "Alien" films and create their own with how the new 'creatures' evolve and form familiar shapes that fans know and love. The execution of "Prometheus" is just outstanding.
You know shit got real when you find yourself splattered in blood and only wearing gauze. |
Occasionally, the script felt like it had some rather blatant plot holes in it. Some of them were ones that had to be sacrificed for pacing (the film is that damn epic by the end of it) and others felt like it was intentional since the film does leave significant moments underplayed for its open style ending. Although at times I felt as if these holes were a little too obvious, upon further reflection it felt like it created a deeper mystery and atmosphere that the film utilized so well and I eventually overlooked them as part of the artistic merit of the film. It never over explains itself and allows the audience to interpret it as they will. A chancy move that paid off in this instance and one that worked in the first "Alien" film as well.
"Prometheus" is going down as one of the best modern science fiction films in my book and there's no doubt about that. It's easy to see why some picked apart the film for its minute detail mishaps and rushed pacing of the script (I mean its been hyped for a decade or so), but for this reviewer that was all easily overlooked with the almost flawless execution on screen with stunning visuals and deep subtle acting performances. Sorry that this review feels a little light on details and specific scenes, but this is a film that needs to be seen to be appreciated for all of its tricks and plot twists. This Blood Brother highly suggests repeated viewings! An instant modern classic.
Written By Matt Reifschneider
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